Data collection for the Wholesale Price Survey (SHPB) in Mesuji Regency in 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mesuji Regency

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Data collection for the Wholesale Price Survey (SHPB) in Mesuji Regency in 2024

Data collection for the Wholesale Price Survey (SHPB) in Mesuji Regency in 2024

June 3, 2024 | BPS Activities

The rise and fall (fluctuations) in prices of goods do not only occur at the consumer level, but can also occur at the producer level. This can happen due to several things, including the level of availability of an item and the geographical conditions of an area which cause disruption to the distribution of an item, such as natural disasters, landslides, floods, etc. which cause disruption to the distribution of goods on land routes, high waves in the area. sea ​​which causes disruption in the distribution of sea routes, and so on. Extreme price fluctuations at the producer level should be controlled because they will have an impact on price fluctuations at the consumer level.


Therefore, government policy is needed to maintain stability in prices of goods/commodities by monitoring price developments. To support this, an indicator is needed that can describe the development of commodity prices. Price developments are required at the distributor or wholesaler level because distribution problems are carried out by the trader. This indicator is the Wholesale Price Index (IHPB) which is obtained from the Wholesale Price Survey (SHPB). IHPB is an index number that describes the magnitude of price changes at the wholesale price level of commodities traded in an area.

The Wholesale Price Survey (SHPB) is carried out every month in all city districts in Indonesia, including Mesuji Regency. HPB Survey Respondents are large traders who sell commodities included in the national IHPB commodity package (pakom). The wholesalers in question may be distributors, subdistributors, agents, sub-agents, wholesalers and others. Specifically for export/import commodities, respondents are exporters and importers who export or import these commodities. The types of goods selected in the HPB Survey enumeration are the types of goods that comply with the pakom.

(Imron Rosyadi)

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