Ubinan Survey Subround III Statistics of Mesuji Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mesuji Regency

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Ubinan Survey Subround III Statistics of Mesuji Regency

Ubinan Survey Subround III Statistics of Mesuji Regency

September 8, 2020 | BPS Activities

The food crop tile survey is a routine survey conducted by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). This survey aims to obtain information on the productivity of food crops, namely rice and secondary crops. BPS Mesuji Regency 2020 BPS Food Crop Tissue Survey has entered the third subround, which is between September and December. The implementation of the ubinan is carried out in certain stages and uses the latest ubinan tools.
One of the Ubinan Survey activities carried out on September 8, 2020 by Pamrih PCL in the village of Genesis, Way Serdang District. Incidentally, the survey conducted by PCL coincided with the harvest by the land owner. In the implementation by the PCL Pamrih, the results were 4.46 kg.
For the implementation of this Subround 3 Ubinan Survey, we have used CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) using the ICS application that has been installed on each PCL cellphone and will be supervised by PML via the coolsis website. From the PCL side, it certainly makes it easier in field activities because there is no need to bring paper questionnaires to the field.
By using the ICS application, it is hoped that the implementation of the Ubinan Survey, especially at the document entry stage, will be efficient. With the use of the CAPI method, it is hoped that the data from the Food Crop Tissue Survey conducted by BPS will be more accurate, reliable, and timely so that it is effective in making the right policies.
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