Ubinan Subround 1 with the Mesuji Regency Agricultural Extension Officer - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mesuji Regency

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Ubinan Subround 1 with the Mesuji Regency Agricultural Extension Officer

Ubinan Subround 1 with the Mesuji Regency Agricultural Extension Officer

March 19, 2024 | BPS Activities

The food crop tile survey is a survey that aims to obtain food crop productivity data needed in calculating food crop production figures. To maintain the quality of the results of the rice tile survey, Mesuji Regency BPS always collaborates with the Mesuji Regency Agriculture Service, namely the implementation of rice tiles involves agricultural extension workers in each sub-district.
As was the case on March 19 2024, Mesuji Regency BPS Rice Tiling officers together with Mesuji Regency Agricultural Extension Officers carried out KSA segment tiling in Bangun Mulyo Village, Simpang Pematang District. On that date, tiling was carried out at 4 points with the tiling result being 3,570kg; 4.115kg; 4,880kg and 3,025kg.
One of the challenges in implementing this tiling is adjusting to farmers' harvest times. So, even during holidays it can be done. Therefore, hopefully the hard work of officers in the field can produce the best results in order to obtain food crop production figures.

(Maula Azka Fatihah)
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