Development of the May 2023 Consumer Price Index - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mesuji Regency

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Development of the May 2023 Consumer Price Index

Release Date : June 5, 2023
File Size : 5.83 MB


In May 2023, the combined year on year (yoy) inflation of the two cities in Lampung was 4.31 percent, with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 116.11. Bandar Lampung City's yoy inflation was 4.43 percent, with a CPI of 116.06 and Metro City's yoy inflation was 3.48 percent with a CPI of 116.54.

Inflation occurred due to price increases as indicated by increases in most of the index (inflation) of the expenditure group, namely: the food, beverage and tobacco group 4.25 percent; clothing and footwear group 4.74 percent; the housing, water, electricity, gas and household fuel group 1.68 percent; equipment, equipment and household routine maintenance group 2.64 percent; health group 3.48 percent; transportation group 10.12 percent; recreation, sport and culture group 2.47 percent; education group 9.21 percent; group providing food and drink/restaurant 2.54 percent; and the personal care and other services group 3.82 percent. Meanwhile, the expenditure group that experienced a decline in index, namely the information, communication and financial services group, had a deflation of 1.25 percent.

The main commodities contributing to yoy inflation in May 2023 include gasoline, filter clove cigarettes, rice, high school, inner-city transportation, diesel and housing contracts.
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