Evaluation of Susenas and Sakernas BPS Mesuji Regency Semester I 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mesuji Regency

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Evaluation of Susenas and Sakernas BPS Mesuji Regency Semester I 2024

Evaluation of Susenas and Sakernas BPS Mesuji Regency Semester I 2024

March 28, 2024 | BPS Activities

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Mesuji Regency held an administrative and technical evaluation event related to the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) and National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) at the D'Pilda Hotel today, March 28 2024.
The event, which was attended by all Sakernas and Susenas field supervisors as well as all BPS employees of Mesuji Regency, aimed to evaluate field administration and techniques in these two important surveys.
In his speech, the Head of BPS Mesuji Regency stated the importance of this evaluation in ensuring the accuracy and validity of data obtained from Sakernas and Susenas. "The National Labor Force Survey and the National Socio-Economic Survey have a very strategic role in providing the data needed for development planning and policy at the national and local levels. Therefore, evaluation of the administration and technical data collection is very important," he said.
In this evaluation activity, participants will examine the administrative process which includes filling out forms, data validity, data anomalies, and the technical process of collecting data in the field. Various input and suggestions will be collected for future improvements.
It is hoped that this evaluation event can improve the quality of data produced from Sakernas and Susenas, so that it can more accurately reflect social, economic and labor conditions in Mesuji Regency.

(Akwilla Bakhti Sitindaon)
Badan Pusat Statistik

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