Grand Harvest in Wonosari Village, Mesuji Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mesuji Regency

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Grand Harvest in Wonosari Village, Mesuji Regency

Grand Harvest in Wonosari Village, Mesuji Regency

March 27, 2024 | BPS Activities

The Mesuji Regency Regional Government held a harvest at the rice fields in Wonosari village, East Mesuji District. The harvest was attended by the Mesuji Regional Secretary, Mr. Syamsudin, S.Sos, the Head of Bappelitbangda, Mr. Abu Rosyid Istomi, S.Si., M.Si, and the Head of the Agriculture Service, Mr. Pariman, S.P., M.M. along with his entourage. The harvest also involved the Central Statistics Agency, which on this occasion was attended by the Head of the Agricultural Statistics Team, Brother Hamzah Saifudin, the Wonosari Village Gapoktan, and Wonosari Village officials.
The main harvest in Wonosari village will occur in mid-March until April 2024. The total rice fields in Wonosari village reach 800 hectares. Thus, the potential for rice production in Wonosari village is estimated at 4000 tons of milled dry grain.
Apart from the symbolic activity of harvesting together, the community is given the opportunity to convey complaints and hopes to the local government regarding current problems. Some hope that the price of grain will not drop during harvest because the production costs of planting rice are currently quite high. In connection with this, there are community expectations regarding the certainty of the availability of fertilizer during the fertilization period.

(Hamzah Saifudin)
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