National Socioeconomic Survey Training (Susenas) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mesuji Regency

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National Socioeconomic Survey Training (Susenas)

National Socioeconomic Survey Training (Susenas)

February 9, 2023 | BPS Activities

Bandar Lampung - Arnes Hotel Bandar Lampung became the training ground for the National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) from 2 to 8 February 2023 BPS Mesuji Regency. This activity was carried out in 2 waves and was opened by the Head of the Mesuji Regency Central Statistics Agency, Zulkifli.

This training was organized to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to conduct a national socio-economic survey. The material that will be provided includes data collection techniques, concepts and definitions as well as interview techniques for respondents.

This activity is very important for the participants because the national socio-economic survey is a very useful data source in making government policies. This training is expected to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to properly and accurately conduct a national socio-economic survey. The Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics for Mesuji Regency, Zulkifli, appreciated this activity and hoped that the participants could make the best use of this training for the progress of Mesuji Regency.
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